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Helping Lou Gehrig’s Disease Patients With Eye Tracking

Helping Lou Gehrigs Disease Patients With Eye TrackingAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis or Lou Gehrig’s Disease is a muscle nerve degenerative disease. Patients diagnosed with ALS suffer gradual loss of muscle control, and end up requiring a level of assistance to help them live their lives.

Eye tracking technology can help ALS patients in many ways. One is the ability to focus their eye, assisting them to select letters on a screen to compose letters and email. A voice synthesizer can be used to read their composition back to them. Eye tracking might also be used for navigation if the patient is confined to a motorized wheel chair. An eye-tracking device can detect and interpret the movement of their gaze, be it forward, backward, left, or right.

An advanced portable eye-tracking setup can incorporate navigation, writing and voice synthesis, and internet connectivity to help ALS patients live a mobile and social existence.

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