When A Remote Isn’t Really A Remote
Even with all of the rapid changes that have occurred with the way we watch televisions, the remote control hasn’t changed very much since its invention in the early 1950’s. If the future of remote controls is up to one Canadian eye tracking company however, we will see a dramatic shift in the classic fight for control of our televisions.
Mirametrix, makers of the S2 eye tracker, has been playing around with some of the most consumer focused ways to use eye tracking technology to help improve everyday life. One of their more recent quests has been to help put eye tracking, in conjunction with gesture control, at the center of the home entertainment experience. Last week, they released a demo video showing just that. The demo shows a person using the eye tracker for everything from basic remote control functions, to game play, and even lighting control, all without leaving the couch.
So what do you think? Will this leap by Mirametrix and the other eye tracking companies working on similar technology lead to a dramatic shift in how we control our home entertainment and environment or will we continue to (lovingly of course) fight for control of the physical remote when we sit down to watch our favorite shows?
Check out the video from Mirametrix below and let us know what you think.
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