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Tobii Launches Tobii insight, Now Competing With Customers?

Tobii Launches Tobii insight, Now Competing With Customers?Tobii announced this morning that they have begun to offer a new service called Tobii Insight, designed to offer a full set of eye tracking services targeted towards market research companies.

The “Insight” service appears to be designed to help market research firms, not currently using eye tracking, to be able to offer eye tracking services, while also helping to build their internal expertise and eventually perform the services themselves.

Tobii claims the service will only be targeted towards market research firms and will not directly offer the service to brands. However, we here at ETU feel this puts a lot of existing Tobii customers in an interesting predicament, since firms who currently offer similar services will now be directly competing with them.

Let us know what you think in the comments section below!


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  • Robertino Pereira

    In my opinion, it made sense for Tobii to build up eye tracking knowledge first to sell more eye trackers in a second step.
    What we don’t do is: approach brands, offer complete market research studies (questionaires, interviews, etc.). The offering is limited to the eye tracking part of studies.
    Tobii has always offered trainings on how to use eye tracking systems and on topics related to the use of eye tracking in academic and commercial dsiciplines like usability and market research. Over the last years we extended our offering in training with whiteapers, methodologies, eyetracking conferences, webinars, the Tobii Eye Tracking Academy.
    The Tobii Insight Services have – from this perspective – been available for quite some time:
    We trained our customers in the use of eye tracking, in how to get a good study design and also in data analysis and reporting. The Tobii Insight Services are now an extension of this training idea:
    The concept is to give a training on the fly and on a concrete case and to transfer the knowledge to our customers. To minimize the risk and ensure quality we give support in any of those phases mentioned above.
    If our customers see the full potential of eye tracking and get the best possible results it will result in making eye tracking a standard offering and then at some point it makes sense for them to buy an eye tracking system.
    At that point we hope to make eye tracking so interesting and valuable for brands (because our customers deliver good results) that they will ask for eye tracking in more studies. That should lead to a general increase of eye tracking studies. And more eye tracking studies means more eye trackers.